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The List: Our Six Favorite Types of Patients

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The List: Our Six Favorite Types of Patients

One of the best parts of dentistry is the privilege of working with people from all walks of life. We may be the ones who work to improve smiles on a daily basis, but we also get big smiles on our faces when we see the following six types of patients:

Families - They are the foundation and the future of our work. Providing dental care for your loved ones and becoming part of your family as it grows gives us special pleasure. It is important to ensure that proper oral care is a family affair. We’ve got something for everyone from Invisalign to partial or full dentures and everything in between. 

The Punctual - This is the patient who always confirms their appointment over the phone, text or email and arrives a few minutes ahead of schedule. By arriving on time, this patient lets us know that they respect our time and are serious about their oral health. In turn, we are able to dedicate a good amount of time to this patient to discuss treatment plans and alternative therapy options without feeling rushed.

The Compliant - The compliant patient knows it is also their responsibility to carry out our recommendations at home to ensure the success of procedures and treatments offered at our office.

The Comedians - Who doesn’t appreciate a good laugh during the workday? Our funny patients are the ones that lighten the mood - especially on long, busy days - with a friendly oneliner or smart remark. They are here to remind us what we do best, smile, because after all laughter still is the best medicine.

The Artistic and Talented - These patients come with presents! We have built quite an impressive collection from the talents of these patients. Sports memorabilia, fine paintings, photographs, performances, fashion accessories and delicious food are just a few of the gifts we have received. These works bring style and culture to our space. We welcome the opportunity to showcase your works of art in our office and have even been known to barter our services here and there, whenever possible.

The Fans - These are the happy patients who connect with us on social media and sing our praises. They are the ones that complete our surveys and take the time to write reviews about us. They are vocal about what we are doing right and interested in staying abreast of our events, offers and promotions. Of course it doesn’t hurt that they tell all their friends about us. New patient referrals are the best compliment we can receive!

Luckily for us, all of our patients fit into one or more of the above categories. Please leave us a comment about which type you feel best describes you. We hope to see you at the office soon; and remember, it’s crunch time, be sure to use those end of year benefits!

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