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NY Dentist Looks for Signs of Oral Cancer

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

NY Dentist Looks for Signs of Oral Cancer

As a local NY dentist we are a patients’ first line of defense in identifying signs of oral cancer. This disease impacts around 35,000 adults throughout the United States on an annual basis. According to the American Cancer Society men are at a greater risk of developing oral cancer and once a man reaches the age of fifty, he is at the greatest risk of all. This is also a group that may not visit their dental provider as often as they should, making early detection difficult.

With any cancer, early detection can help to give a person their best chance of fighting the disease and regaining their health. Since it is difficult to see inside of the mouth, most people are unaware that they have signs of oral cancer until it has progressed. Visiting our office every six months, allows us to look for signs and inform you of test and steps that need to be taken in order to receive the appropriate treatment.

When a patient has a dental exam at our NY dentist office we clean their teeth and gums to remove bacteria and plaque. We also look for cavities, oral cancer, and other oral health problems like gum disease. Here are some of the cancerous symptoms we keep an eye out for.

Mouth sores. Many people get a canker sore from time to time. These sores typically go away within a couple of days. If you have a sore that has been there longer than two weeks you should have it examined as it could be a sign of cancer.

Velvety bumps. These bumps are typically white, red, or both. They can grow on the inside of your mouth, are velvety in texture and signs of cancer.

Teeth moving for no reason. Once all of your adult teeth are in they should not move unless a wisdom tooth comes in or another tooth falls out. If your teeth or dentures have started to move and don’t fit together like they used to, they may be moving due to a cancerous growth.

Bumps. Be on the lookout for strange bumps or lumps inside of your mouth. These need to be examined and biopsied to determine if there are any cancerous cells inside of them.

Rough patches. Gum tissue and cheeks are soft and smooth. If a rough patch develops it may be a sign of cancer. This is easy to identify at home by running your tongue along your gums and the inside of your mouth on a regular basis.

Difficulty swallowing. Tell your dentist or family doctor if you are having a hard time swallowing or pain when you do. This could be a sign of a bacterial infection but if it doesn’t go away with antibiotics it could be something more serious.

Visiting our NY dentist office can help you to stay in good health by allowing us to monitor the condition of your teeth and gums. We can see things that you can’t and take the steps to treat problems like cavities and gum disease. When we spot signs of oral cancer we will discuss next steps for testing and treatment so that you can get the help you need to beat the disease.