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See a General Dentist So That Your Teeth Can Be Protected From Reflux-Erosion

Thursday, May 22, 2014

See a General Dentist So That Your Teeth Can Be Protected From Reflux-Erosion

Reflux-erosion is a major concern and as a general dentist we can help to prevent it from happening. If you suffer from acid reflux, you are among the seven million U.S. adults that regularly battle this condition. It is a serious concern for many people, making it difficult to eat comfortably and even hard to sleep at night. Fortunately, there are ways to treat it, and we recommend that you do so in order to prevent further complications.

Reflux-induced erosion happens when acid comes up from your stomach and starts to attack your teeth. Every time that you have an acid attack, this is the reality. You can help to prevent some of the damage by rinsing your mouth with water immediately. We do, however, recommend that you wait to brush your teeth for a full hour afterwards since your teeth are particularly sensitive at this time. When you do go to brush, do so gently and with a soft toothbrush in order to prevent any further erosion.

As a general dentist, we can help to treat your teeth if they have become damaged due to erosion. One way to do so is with a bonding procedure. In this way, we can protect any dentin that has become exposed due to the enamel being worn away. Enamel is essential for protecting your teeth and ensuring that you continue to be able to eat comfortably. Without it, the nerve endings in your tooth can be exposed and even drinking cold water can cause discomfort. Fortunately, a bonding procedure is fairly easy to do.

If teeth suffer greater damage, the actual bone structure can start to wear away as the acid attacks it. Some people experience holes in their teeth as a result. Others have their teeth crack or chip as they become too weak to withstand any significant force due to the erosion itself. In this situation, the best option is to wear a dental crown. Crowns can be made of ceramic or silver amalgam, making them an ideal solution for both front and back teeth. Once a crown is placed, the tooth will be protected and strengthened because the crown surrounds the tooth, preventing anything from actually touching it. This is one of the best ways to save a tooth that may otherwise need to be pulled. By doing so, the integrity of the mouth and jawbone can also be preserved.

As a general dentist, we need to know if you are suffering from acid reflux before treating your teeth. This way we can incorporate that knowledge into your treatment plan and make sure that nothing is done that could further irritate your teeth.

We recommend that you also visit your general physician and have them prescribe you medication to keep your acid reflux under control. This is the best way to prevent erosion since you are eliminating acid before it reaches your teeth. You can also make adjustments to your diet like cutting out spicy and acidic foods.
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